Deodorant, check. Toothbrush, check. Perhaps even a bar of Dove soap. But beyond that, I feel somewhat limited by the product array at my local CVS. Yes, it's cheap and easy, but when it comes to your beautiful face, I think a little more effort goes a long way. Here are my five favorite personal care products that I think warrant the extra buck.
Medicine cabinet, Restoration Hardware
La Roche Posay Effaclar AIWhile I'm no longer a four-eyed, retainer wearing teenager, I still get the errant pimple from time to time. Regardless of what anyone says, I think adult acne is most often caused by stress, which then results in even more stress over the breakout, which leads to more pimples...it's a vicious cycle. I've tried almost every spot treatment out there, and I think this one is by far the best. It's effective without causing much skin irritation. I bought the first one in France a few years ago, and while the line is now available in the US (at CVS, of all places), no one seems to carry this particular product. Fortunately, I found it online at Dermstore.
$29, at dermstore.com
Dr. Brandt Pores No More CleanserDr. Brandt is a somewhat kooky New York/Miami dermatologist whom I've had the pleasure of meeting on several occasions. He's quite good with what he does in the office, particularly with his pioneering use of Botox. (Not that I've had any. Yet.) He's perhaps better known for his extensive line of skincare products. This one's pretty great - not too drying with a nice fresh scent. $35, at Sephora
Kiehl's Creme with Silk Groom
I absolutely abhor styling products that make your hair look too crunchy and Staten Island-y, and yet on the flipside, I don't want to cultivate that greasy, unshowered look. (Some do, it's just not for me.) This product, a longtime Kiehl's favorite, strikes that careful balance. And because it's Kiehl's, it's actually good for your hair. Nice. $17.50, at Kiehl's
The Art of Shaving After-Shave Mask
Found this terrific mask thanks to the good people at Valet. I'm a big fan of the The Art of Shaving's mens shaving products, and yet I think they could have a crossover hit on their hands here. (Girls! pay attention.) This mask is quick and easy, and it makes my skin oh-so-soft. Just 3 minutes of the rose clay and redness is reduced, pores shrunk, skin tightened... yeah, it's that good. And it comes in those cute little vials (n.b., each one is good for at least 2 uses). $50 for 8 vials, at The Art of Shaving
DML Moisturizing LotionOkay, so DML doesn't look fancy, or smell fancy, (or thankfully, cost very much), but for me, this moisturizer is as close as you can come to ideal. It's light and oil free, absorbs quickly, and is unscented - great for sensitive skin. Works for your face as well as your body, especially if you're prone to breakouts on your back, etc. (Hey, it happens.)
$16.29, at Drugstore.com